随着生产工艺的不断进步和芯片复杂度的增加,系统级芯片对稳压源精度、稳压值多样化、稳压源版图面积的要求越来越高。在充分考虑工艺误差的前提下,设计了一款基于1.5μm 36V双极工艺的可调基准电压源。该电压源在传统二管能隙基准源的基础上进行改进,增加了一个新型可调电阻网络,从而缩减了版图面积、降低了功耗。流片后带隙电压的精度能保证在0.8%,温度系数为1.8×10-5/℃,并可根据需要在大于1.205V、小于VCC的电压范围内调节基准电压值。
With the continuous improvement of the production technology and the increase of the complexity of the chip, the system-on-chip has more and more requirements on the accuracy of the voltage source, the voltage regulation value, and the area of the voltage source. Taking full account of the process error, we designed an adjustable voltage reference based on a 1.5μm 36V bipolar process. The voltage source is improved on the traditional two-tube energy gap reference source, adding a new adjustable resistance network, thus reducing the layout area and reducing the power consumption. The accuracy of the bandgap voltage after slicing can be guaranteed at 0.8% with a temperature coefficient of 1.8 × 10-5 / ° C and the reference voltage can be adjusted within a voltage range of more than 1.205V and less than VCC as needed.