1926年的云南正逢多事之际。5月,以云南地方实力派罗树昌、刘正伦、杨震寰三人为首,在滇西联合发动了一场颇具规模的反对省长唐继尧的战争。由于当年的干支纪年为丙寅,故史称这次事件为“丙寅事变”。风云一时的西南霸主 民国年间,地处红土高原的云南出现了许多叱咤风云的人物,唐继尧(1881—1927年)便是其中名噪一时的枭雄。他系云南会泽人,15岁中秀才,后留学日本学习军事,并加入同盟会,回国后在云南军界任
Yunnan in 1926 coincides with the occasion. In May, led by three local leaders, Luo Shuchang, Liu Zhenglun and Yang Zhenhuan, Yunnan local forces jointly launched a war on Governor Tang Jiyao in western Yunnan. Since the year of cadres and counties is Bingyin, history calls this incident “Bingyin Incident.” Fierce situation of the southwest overlord During the Republic of China, located in the Red Plateau of Yunnan appeared a lot of all-powerful characters, Tang Jiyao (1881-1927) is one of the most famous and most influential. He is Yunnan Hui Ze people, 15-year-old scholar, after studying in Japan to learn military and joined the League, after returning to the military in Yunnan