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  A Cup of Dragon Well Tea for 2011 West Lake International Tea Culture Expo
  By Xiao Qi
  March 25, 2011 witnessed the opening ceremony of 2011 West Lake International Tea Culture Expo and the opening ceremony of the West Lake Dragon Well Tea Festival concurrently. The venue was Dragon Valley Tea Vilage near the West Lake. The ceremony started with the dragon dances, adding a touch of vitality to the tranquil and scenic village.
  Present at the ceremony were Zhou Guofu (vice chairman of Cultural and Historical Data Committee of the CPPCC and chairman of China International Tea Culture Research Institute based in Hangzhou), Xu Hongdao (executive vice chairman of China International Tea Culture Research Institute), Yu Rongren (chairman of Hangzhou Municipal Tea Culture Research Institute) and Chen Zhenlian (vice chairman of the standing committee of Hangzhou People’s Congress) and other VIPs.
  At the ceremony, China International Tea Culture Research Institute conferred the honor of “Home of China Tea Culture” upon the West Lake District of Hangzhou and conferred the honor of “Famous Tea of Chinese Culture” on Dragon Well Tea.
  2011 is the seventh year of the annual tea event. Over the past seven years, the tea expo has become a key platform for Hangzhou to promote tea industry, culture and tourism. In 2011, three hundred and fifty exhibitors participated, highlighting the charms of the National Capital of Tea to the general public.
  The ceremony coincided with the day the 2011 harvesting season of Dragon Well Tea started. The ceremony venue was set against the Dragon Well tea plantations and the corridor bridges in the architectural style of the south of the Yangtze River Delta doubled as guests’ viewing stands and performance stage. At the ceremony, folk artists staged a piece of “Lotus Flower Fall”, a story-telling art in Zhejiang; they sang tea songs from different historical periods and in different styles; a drum performance team from Shanxi Province in northern China came especially to mount their noisy show, adding zest to the celebration.
  A Japanese tour group adjusted its sightseeing plan in Hangzhou that day and came all the way to the spot to attend the opening ceremony of the tea expo. They were excited to watch tea farmers stir-dry tea in big woks. They commented that they were touched by the Hangzhou people’s passion for tea, and that it was indeed the way of tea and tea culture.
  Following the ceremony was a tea banquet, an innovative treat for all the attending guests. Dragon Valley Tea Village also doubles as a great leisure attraction for residents from the noisy downtown area. Numerous household restaurants in the village also double as teahouses. Large numbers of visitors (usually families or friends and relatives) come during weekends. Typically, they hang out for a day, sipping tea, chatting, playing mahjong, or taking a walk into nearby hills or following narrow paths through the tea plantations, and having lunch. They leave in the afternoon.
  The first course of the tea banquet was a cup of Dragon Well Tea for every diner, followed by traditional dishes such as Shelled Shrimp with Dragon Well Tea Leaves, Fish Ball in Clear Soup and Spring Bamboo Shoots.
  West Lake Tea Banquet is something quite new. It was launched only a few years ago. With improvement, it is becoming increasingly attractive.
  The 2011 Tea Expo highlighted folk customs. In addition to the Dragon Well Tea Festival, a tea party open to all visitors will be held at Qinghefang in downtown. You can buy tea served in big bowls, watch Yueju Opera highlights, or watch bird fights. And you can enjoy a cup of herbal tea at traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) pharmacies located in Qinghefang. Jingshan Tea Banquet is a must for those who take interest in Japanese Sado, which originated in Jingshan Hill in a suburb of Hangzhou. The Home of Tea Professionals will provide training programs for tourists to learn about tea performance and take part in competitions.
  The big tea party in Qinghefang staged a variety of shows and programs. It attracted the general public. This year, the tea party maintained some popular elements and added a touch of TCM on the strength of the big TCM pharmacies in the street.
  Another highlight of this year’s tea expo was scheduled for April 16. It was called the Day of Tea Drinking for the Public. On the day, Hangzhou proposed “tea drinking” to all the Confucius Academies across the world. On the day, tea was offered free of charge to tourists at scenic spots on the West Lake, to the general public at some residential communities and to students at schools and colleges across the city.
  At the Tiger Spring, a scenic spot in Hangzhou, a musical was staged to sing of the Tiger Spring and the Dragon Well Tea. The water from the spring and the tea from the Dragon Well village make the best tea you can find in Hangzhou. The musical is to be staged around the year.
  The tea expo this year introduced new elements. For the first time in its seven-year history, the expo had programs contributed from Jiande, Lin’an, Fuyang, Chun’an and Tonglu, counties or county-level cities in great Hangzhou. The tour itineraries cover all the local tea resources and sightseeing attractions in these areas. Tour operators have put them into their plans for domestic and international tourists. □
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