1953年在上海郊区及福建尤溪县鸭墓乡两处,都发现了水稻“分枝”的现象。这种“分枝”水稻的情形和栽培环境,我们的观察与“科学通报”1954年4月号蔡以欣同志文章上所记载的相同。但是对于这种现象,我有几点与蔡以欣同志不同的看法: 首先,我们平时所称分枝小麦、分枝大麦的“分枝”两字,是指小麦或大麦的穗子而言。小麦与大麦的花序都是穗状花序,每一个穗有很多小穗,每一小穗又由若
In 1953, suburbs of Shanghai and Duciu Township, Youxi County, Fujian Province, both found the phenomenon of “branching” rice. The situation of this “branched” rice and its cultivation environment are the same as those observed in Comrade Cai Yixin’s April 1954 issue of Science Bulletin. But for this phenomenon, I have a few different views with Comrade Cai Yixin: First of all, what we usually refer to as the “branch” of branched wheat and branched barley refers to the ears of wheat or barley. The inflorescences of wheat and barley are spikes, each spike has many spikelets, and each spikelet by