佛手金橘疏肝理气 佛手主产于广东、云南、四川、浙江等地。芸香科,柑属,果实供药用。性味辛苦酸温,入肺、脾二经,具有理气止呕、健脾消食、化痰止咳的功效,主治胸腹胀满、咳吐纳差。因为佛手舒肝,理气、和中、化痰作用明显,可用于肺郁气滞、咳嗽痰多等症。
Bergamot Kumquat Shugan Li Buddha handbags produced in Guangdong, Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places. Rutaceae, mandarin, fruit for medicinal purposes. Tartaric acid temperature, into the lungs, spleen two, with Qi nausea, spleen digestion, Huatanzhike effect, attending thoracodorsal full, cough spit poor. Because bergamot Shugan, qi, and, the obvious role of phlegm, can be used for lung qi stagnation, cough, phlegm and more embolism.