【摘 要】
大豆[Glycine Max(L.)Merrill]籽粒产量的粒成是同化物生产,转运,及在籽形中合成贮藏物质的复杂过程。因为大豆的花期较长,在生殖生长时期,植株上存在不同发育阶段的豆荚,所
大豆[Glycine Max(L.)Merrill]籽粒产量的粒成是同化物生产,转运,及在籽形中合成贮藏物质的复杂过程。因为大豆的花期较长,在生殖生长时期,植株上存在不同发育阶段的豆荚,所以,带来了对大豆籽粒生长和发育的研究的复杂性。本文主要根据作者的研究,讨论了大豆豆荚和籽粒的生长模式,影响籽粒生长的因素,及籽粒生长特性与产量的关系。
Soybean [Glycine Max (L.) Merrill] Grain yield is a complex process of production, transport, and synthesis of stored matter in the seed. Because of the longer flowering period of soybean, there are pods at different developmental stages in the plant during the reproductive growth period, thus leading to the complexity of the research on the growth and development of soybean grains. In this paper, mainly according to the author’s research, discussed soybean pods and grain growth patterns, the factors that affect the grain growth, and grain growth characteristics and yield relationship.
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