1 中国传统思维所精研的基本问题是天和人的关系问题 ,而西方传统思维要探究的基本问题是宇宙本源之秘。中西方传统思维出发点原则之不同 ,导致了两者在思维方式上大相径庭。从思维的逻辑形式上看 ,李约瑟博士指出 ,当希腊人很早就仔细考虑形式逻辑的时候 ,中国人则一直倾向
1 The basic problem that China’s traditional thinking studies is the relationship between heaven and man, while the basic problem to be explored in the traditional Western thinking is the secret of the origin of the universe. The differences in the principles of the starting point of traditional Chinese and Western thinking lead to the very different ways of thinking between the two. From the logical form of thinking, Dr. Needham points out that while the Greeks carefully considered formal logic very early on, Chinese tended to