就像敬重父辈一样,我对他有着一种真挚而又深情的敬仰。 就像在久旱了的大漠上领略水的宝贵之后,我心灵的殿堂最先矗立着的是他那闪光的形象。 人民治黄50周年,从事治黄事业50周年,这个偶然的巧合使我们看到了已年届古稀,把毕生献给水利事业的宁夏治黄前辈、自治区政协副主席吴尚贤那令人肃然起敬的光辉历程。 1946年,毕业于中央大学水利系的吴尚贤,从重庆回到故乡宁
Like respected parents, I have a sincere and affectionate admiration for him. Just as in the long drought of the precious water on the desert, my heart is the first hall of his soul is flashing his image. The 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 50th anniversary of the Yellow Emperor’s cause, this coincidental coincidence shows us the awe-inspiring people of Ningxia, the predecessors of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Wu Shangxian, vice chairman of the Political Consultative Conference, who have dedicated their lives to water conservancy. Glorious history. In 1946, Wu Shangxian, a graduate of the Central University Department of Water Resources, returned to his hometown Ningxiang from Chongqing