(一) 茶叶产量历来是衡量生产水平、检查生产成果、鉴别优良品种的重要依据。但是产量高就是经济效果好吗?从经济的角度看,往往不是这样。四川省叙永县后山茶场最近5年在投产面积和毛茶收购价格不变的情况下,产量,产值如表一。从表一可以明显看到量与质有不统一性:1977年与1981年产量相近,产值却相差90%以上;1978年产量比1981年高30%左右,但产值却只有1981年的68%。在茶叶采摘实践中,我们希望量多质好,避免数
(1) The output of tea has always been an important basis for measuring production levels, checking production results and identifying fine varieties. However, is the economic effect of high output? From an economic point of view, this often is not the case. Sichuan Province, after the mountain tea factory in Xuyong County in the past 5 years in the production area and the purchase price of Mao tea unchanged, the output and output value in Table 1. It can be clearly seen from Table 1 that the quantity and quality are not uniform: the output was similar in 1977 and 1981 but the output value was more than 90%; in 1978, the output was about 30% higher than in 1981, but the output value was only 68% . In the practice of picking tea, we hope that the quantity will be good and the quantity will be avoided