本文介绍了对埃及小农场主的农药使用和管理所做的基本调查的结果。调查的内容是一般的农业耕作系统和农药使用问题。埃及的农业生产埃及的主要农业生产是由数百万小农场主和他们的家人,在人均不到5 feddans(大约2hm~2)的土地上进行的。农业生产是高度集约化的,常年的灌溉系统使一年有三个种植季节。但是,平均农业收入却不高,且自70年代以来,农业对国内总产值(GDP)的贡献已经下降了。本调查是在埃及的伊斯梅利亚行政区进行的。位于尼罗河三角洲边上的伊斯梅利亚地区一直延伸到苏伊士河,它还包括
This article presents the results of a basic survey of the use and management of pesticides by smallholders in Egypt. The contents of the survey are general agricultural farming systems and pesticide use issues. Agricultural Production in Egypt The main agricultural production in Egypt is carried out by millions of small farmers and their families on land less than 5 feddans (about 2 hm 2) per capita. Agricultural production is highly intensive, and perennial irrigation systems allow for three planting seasons a year. However, the average agricultural income is not high, and since the 1970s, the contribution of agriculture to gross domestic product (GDP) has declined. This survey was conducted in the Ismailia district of Egypt. The area of Ismailia, on the edge of the Nile Delta, extends to the Suez River and includes