
来源 :中国三峡 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:girl_wang
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葛洲坝水利枢纽是万里长江上兴建的第一座大型水利枢纽,也是三峡水利枢纽的反调节枢纽和航运梯级。工程自1981年开始通航、发电,至今已安全运行30年,承担了电力系统调峰、调频、事故备用等任务,担负着三峡水利枢纽反调节及改善葛洲坝上游航运条件的使命,为促进长江航运发展发挥了重要作用,为华中、华东地区经济社会发展提供了能源保障。30年的实践证明,兴建葛洲坝水利枢纽决策正确,设计优秀,质量优良,运行有效,经济效益和社会效益巨大。工程的成功建设与运行,向世界彰显了中国人民的聪明才智和巨大力量,不仅为三峡水利枢纽的建设管理积累了宝贵经验,而且将我国水利水电工程技术水平推向了新的高度。当前,随着三峡工程的全面建成,葛洲坝与三峡水利枢纽一起,与上游逐步建成的大型水库,共同构成庞大的水库群,将发挥巨大的防洪、发电、航运、供水等效益,这对于维护健康长江、保障流域经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。 Gezhouba Dam is the first large-scale water conservancy hub built on the Yangtze River and an anti-regulation hub and shipping rung for the Three Gorges Project. The project has been navigating and generating power since 1981 and has been operating safely for 30 years. It undertakes such tasks as peak regulation, frequency regulation and accident backup of the power system, undertakes the anti-regulation of the Three Gorges Dam and improves the navigation conditions of the upper reaches of Gezhouba. In order to promote the navigation of the Yangtze River Development has played an important role in providing energy security for the economic and social development in Central China and East China. 30 years of practice have proved that the construction of Gezhouba Water Control Project has the right decision, excellent design, excellent quality, effective operation and huge economic and social benefits. The successful construction and operation of the project have demonstrated to the world the intelligence and tremendous power of the Chinese people. They have not only accumulated valuable experience in the construction management of the Three Gorges Project, but also pushed the technical level of China’s water conservancy and hydropower projects to a new height. At present, with the completion of the Three Gorges Project, Gezhouba, together with the Three Gorges Project, and the large reservoirs gradually built up in the upper reaches, form a large reservoir group and will exert huge benefits of flood control, power generation, shipping and water supply. This is of great significance to the maintenance of health The Yangtze River, to ensure the sustainable economic and social development of the basin is of great significance.
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