
来源 :上海水产大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w818150
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本文在论述总可捕量制度的定义、实施总可捕量制度需要具备的必要条件等内容的基础上,指出我国实施总可捕量制度的必然趋势及存在的困难。并提出了我国实施总可捕量制度的四点建议和设想:(1)大力实施减船措施,(2)加强渔业资源的调查与研究,(3)加强渔政执法,重视监督管理,(4)由点到面逐步实施TAC制度。 Based on the discussion of the definition of the total allowable catchment system and the necessary conditions for the implementation of the total allowable catchment system, this paper points out the inevitable trend and existing difficulties of implementing the total allowable catchment system in China. And put forward four suggestions and assumptions of China’s implementation of the total allowable catchment system: (1) vigorously implement measures to reduce shipbuilding; (2) strengthen investigation and research on fishery resources; (3) strengthen fishery law enforcement and pay attention to supervision and management; 4) Gradually implement the TAC system from point to face.