进入21世纪,由于环境污染、不健康 的生活方式及工业化国家人口老化 严重,癌症已成为发达国家继心血管疾病 之后的第二死因。发展中国家也未能在全 球化的浪潮中幸免。专家说,癌症将是本世 纪最大的公共卫生问题。 中国癌症发病数和死亡数都呈明显的上 升趋势。根据卫生部的数据显示,在中国因 病死亡人数中,有五分之一死于癌症。而据
In the 21st century, due to environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyles and severe aging of the population in industrialized countries, cancer has become the second cause of death after cardiovascular disease in developed countries. The developing countries have not been spared in the wave of globalization. Experts say that cancer will be the largest public health problem in the world. Both the number of cancers and the number of deaths in China show a clear upward trend. According to the Ministry of Health, one-fifth of the deaths from illness in China have been caused by cancer. According to