1. The Necessity of Applying Computers for Financial Management With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic and trade system, foreign trade companies have adopted operating principles of self-management, self-financing, self-discipline, and self-development. Enterprises have established effective internal management mechanisms, such as Economic accounting has been implemented; internal bank settlement mechanisms have introduced companies, etc. The deepening of structural reforms requires that the accounting work of the enterprise should not be based only on accounts and accounts, nor can financial management be a simple post-mortem analysis, but rather a measure of breadth. , depth and density collect a full range of information on the company’s economic activities, and make accurate qualitative analysis and scientific quantitative analysis, for the company’s leadership to implement the best decisions and effective business services. To achieve this level of management If you do not use modern management tools and do not use advanced tools such as computers, it is difficult to do so.