艾滋病(AIDS)近10余年来在全世界蔓延,随着我国对外扩大交流,近年来国內亦发现少数病例,我院内科于1992年底收治一例为艾滋病并发弓形虫感染,该例曾辗转福州、上海数家医院诊治年余,未曾觉察AIDS。现报告如下。 患者,女性,32岁,家务,福建藉,已婚,住福州市郊侨区。以发热、咳嗽、咳痰、腹泻、视力模糊一年多为主诉于1992年11月17日入院。患者年余前无明显诱因咳嗽、咳痰、畏冷发热,体温最高达40℃,伴频繁腹泻、视力模糊、浑身皮肤潮红、毛发、眉毛、腋毛、阴毛脱
AIDS has spread throughout the world in the past 10 years. With the expansion of China’s external exchanges, a few domestic cases were also found in recent years. A neonatal Toxoplasma gondii infection was admitted to our hospital in the end of 1992, and the case was removed to Fuzhou, Several hospitals in Shanghai more than a year of diagnosis and treatment, never aware of AIDS. The report is as follows. Patient, female, 32 years old, housework, Fujian borrow, married, living in Fuzhou suburbs. To fever, cough, sputum, diarrhea, blurred vision for more than a year mainly in November 17, 1992 admission. Patients with no obvious predisposition for cough, expectoration, chills and fever, body temperature up to 40 ℃, with frequent diarrhea, blurred vision, whole body flush, hair, eyebrows, armpit hair, pubic hair off