我市自 1 999年引进标杂 A1抗虫棉品种后 ,不断试验改进间套技术 ,于 2 0 0 0年摸索出了适宜在花生产区推广的标杂 A1抗虫棉间作花生、马铃薯三种三收模式 ,通过植棉条带和花生条带年际间的轮换较好地解决了花生重茬减产等问题 ,2 0 0 1年示范推广效益显著 ,经测产 ,每公顷产皮
After the city introduced Biao-A1 allelopathy cotton varieties in 1999, the city continuously tried to improve the intercropping technique and found out the suitable standard hybrid Bt rice A1 inter-peanut and potato III for popularization in the flower growing area in 2000 Three kinds of harvesting mode, through the rotation of cotton strips and peanut strips interannual rotation, the problems of continuous cropping and peanut reduction are well solved. The demonstration and popularization benefit in 2001 is significant.