
来源 :中国教育法制评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nash86
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一、法律的价值合理性与工具合理性在法律实践和法制建设过程中,要不要引入价值因素和价值判断?这是一个长期以来在法学界存在争论的复杂问题。自然法学派与分析实证主义的一个主要对立和分歧就在于:在法的创制和法的实现中,是否存在“价值中立”?法价值观能否成为法的要素?自然法学派认为,人定法必须要有自己的价值倾向,必须要以既定的价值为归宿,自然法——“整个人类 First, the legal value of the rationality of rationality and tools In the process of legal practice and the construction of the legal system, whether to introduce the value of factors and value judgments? This is a long time in the legal community there are controversial complex issues. One of the main oppositions and differences between the school of natural law and the positivist positivism lies in whether there is ”value neutrality “ in the creation of law and the realization of law. Can law values ​​become the elements of law? The school of natural law believes that people The law must have its own tendency to value, must be based on the established value of the end, the natural law - ”the entire human race
古代中国社会没有律师职业,不能孕育律师文化,伴随着西方律师制度的引进和移植,近代中国社会出现了律师文化,党的十六大召开后,我国律师文化得到了整体上扬和提升。 In the