扫描电镜观察微小生物样品在常规的制样方法中,尚存在着一些问题:如样品的需求量较大,在制样过程中丢失较多,样品的表面易产生皱缩变形等。尤其是对一些已予固定的样品,更增加了制样的困难。本文介绍了一种滤纸包裹法,并经反复实验证明:它不仅能克服上述缺点,而且具有材料简单、样品用量少、不易丢失等优点。现将制样程序及结果介绍如下: 材料和方法一、实验材料: 1、日本血吸虫虫卵:自小白鼠肝脏中分离所得。经2%戊二醛液固定,保存于0.1M磷酸缓冲液(pH7.4)中。
Scanning electron microscopy of micro-biological samples in the conventional sample preparation methods, there are still some problems: such as the larger sample demand, loss in the sample preparation process more prone to shrinkage deformation of the sample surface. Especially for some have been fixed samples, but also adds to the sample preparation difficulties. This paper introduces a filter paper wrapping method, and after repeated experiments show that: it not only overcomes the above shortcomings, but also has the advantages of simple material, less sample, easy to lose. Sample preparation procedures and the results are as follows: Materials and methods First, the experimental materials: 1, Schistosoma japonicum eggs: isolated from the liver of mice derived. Fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde and stored in 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH7.4).