Shipbuilding industry is a big consumer of raw materials and energy. In recent years, due to the shortage of raw materials and energy supplies, coupled with the downturn of the world shipbuilding industry, the shipbuilding industry in our country is facing serious difficulties. In order to get a firm hold of domestic and foreign markets and deal with the shortage of raw materials, the shipping head office and its subsidiaries actively made a fuss about saving and achieved good results. At present, the production of this system has been steadily developing. Some enterprises have achieved “military transformation” and the export of ships has reached 79% of the total output. From 1985 to 1988, the gross industrial output value increased by an average of 8.5% per annum, while the energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of industrial output dropped from 2.36 tons of standard coal to 1.76 tons of standard coal, averaging 8.5% less than the national average of 4% Industrial output of steel consumption fell from 1.53 tons to 1.33 tons, an average annual reduction of 4%.