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2008年,一个崭新年份的序曲奏响之时,有多少惊喜守望在前,有多少回忆留恋在后。前者如北京奥运会,后者如改革开放30年。怀着无限欣喜,我们和读者朋友一道来到好事连连的2008年。在这个好年景伊始,因为有太多向往,我们把原定于最后一期盘点2007年的“宴会”向后推移,结合2008年的可知与未知,打造了一场辞旧迎新的盛宴。这组标题为《2008猜想》的封面文章,对“已知”的2007年做了深度盘点的同时,热烈憧憬着2008年。 In 2008, when the overture of a brand new year played, how many surprises were kept in front and how many memories were left behind. The former, such as the Beijing Olympic Games, the latter 30 years of reform and opening up. With infinite joy, we came together with our readers’ friends in good times and again in 2008. At the beginning of this good year, because we have too many longings, we have pushed back the “Banquet ” originally scheduled for the last issue in 2007, combining the knowledgeable and unknown in 2008 to create a new year feast. The group’s cover story, titled “2008 Conjecture,” is a yearning for 2008 with a deep inventory of the “Known” 2007.
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历时一年多的前门西河沿大街222号院的拆迁纠纷,令居民苦不堪言,然而,这起“民告官”案的胜诉让居民看到了曙光。 The dispute over the relocation of the hospital at No.
她与丈夫感情破裂,提出离婚。可是丈夫抢走了他们的女儿,以此来威胁她。法院调解无果,只能以“夫妻感情没有破裂”驳回她的起诉。思女心切的母亲,哭诉着她的无奈。 She brok
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