Hayao Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director and cartoonist. From 1963, he moved to Toei Animation and later co-founded Ghibli Studio with Takatsuki. He left many unforgettable works for us. From the early “Panda family”, “ghost princess”, and then to his pen for the “wind”, the Department of popular, touching, full of Hayao Miyazaki’s human feelings and thoughts. In August 2014, Hayao Miyazaki was announced as the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The animation master whom Disney called the “Kurosawa animation industry” won the film industry’s His highest honor is not only due to his “Miyazaki-style” style of freshness and naturalness, but also to the cooperation with Hisaishi’s tacit agreement music. It is because his works are full of “Miyazaki-style” thoughts. Hayao Miyazaki in his own work to convey not only environmental protection, but how exactly and how people should get along with nature.