乔占祥诉铁道部春运调价行为案为我国深化行政法理论研究提供了契机 ,鉴于国内抽象行政行为与具体行政行为区分理论的不足 ,我国应引入德国以及受德国影响的台湾地区的“一般处分”理论作为分析铁道部春运调价决定行为法律性质的工具 ,并且将对物的行政行为也纳入具体行政行为之列 ,更符合中国的实际。
Jiao Zhanxiang v. Ministry of Railways Spring Festival price adjustment case for our country to deepen the theoretical study of administrative law provides an opportunity, in view of the domestic abstract administrative behavior and the specific administrative behavior of the distinction between theory, our country should introduce Germany and Germany affected by the “total punishment” theory in Taiwan As a tool to analyze the legal nature of the price adjustment behavior of the Ministry of Railways during the Spring Festival, it will be more consistent with China’s reality by including the administrative actions of things in the specific administrative acts.