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周桂笙(1873—1936)是晚清末年活动于上海的知名译者、报人,曾出任晚清四大小说杂志之中的《新小说》与《月月小说》主笔。所译侦探小说在当时的文坛风行一时,并引发后来的侦探小说热。其中以其翻译法国小说家鲍福(Fortunédu Boisgobey)的《毒蛇圈》(Margot la balafrée)一作最为著名,影响也最广,有研究者称其为我国最早一部以纯粹的白话翻译的外文小说。虽然周桂笙所译《毒蛇圈》整体上以中国章回小说的文体为基础,译文的语言风格、回目设置以及叙事者声口皆受到章回体小说形式的约束,但是小说开篇处特殊的对话体倒叙模式,周桂笙在翻译时通过对章回体叙事模式的有效改造,实现了对小说原作惊人的忠实传译。《毒蛇圈》的对话体开局模式因而得以被介绍入中国,并对当时“新小说”家的创作产生重大影响。因此,本文希望将研究置于晚清中西两大叙事模式冲突的视角之下,重审周桂笙翻译《毒蛇圈》开局时看似“无为而译”的翻译选择,逐条剖析译者为挣脱章回体形式常规的掣肘、传译西洋小说新型叙事时间及叙事视角所做的种种具体努力,以期能为讨论由此产生的翻译文本的叙事革新问题提供一种新的研究视野。 Zhou Guisheng (1873-1936), a well-known translator and reporter in Shanghai in the late late Qing Dynasty, was the writer of “New Fiction” and “Moon and Moon” in the four novels of the late Qing Dynasty. The detective novel translated at the time popular literary world, and lead to later detective novel hot. Among them is the most famous and influential one by his translation of the French novelist Margot la balafrée by Fortunédu Boisgobey. Some researchers call it the earliest foreign-language novels to be translated in pure vernacular Chinese . Although the “poisonous snake circle” translated by Zhou Gui-sheng is based entirely on the style of the Chinese caprice, the language style of the translation, the setbacks and the voice of the narrator are all constrained by the style of Zhang Hui’s novels. However, the special dialogic flashback mode In the translation, Zhou Guisheng realized the astonishing faithful translation of the original novels through the effective transformation of the narrative model of Zhang Hui. Thus, the opening mode of the “snake circle” dialogue body was introduced into China and had a significant impact on the creation of the “New Novel” at the time. Therefore, this article hopes to place the research in the perspective of the conflict between the two narrative patterns of China and the West in the late Qing dynasty, to re-examine the translator’s choice of Seemingly Invalid Translator when translating the “Poisonous Circle” by Zhou Guisheng, Formal conventions, interpretations of the novel narrative time and narrative perspectives of the Western novels, with a view to providing a new perspective for the discussion of the resulting narrative reform of the translated text.
Objective: Reversing effects of traditional Chinese medicines on colorectal tumor immunosuppressions of natural killer (NK) cell and T lymphocyte were analyzed
目的:探讨愈肺宁方(下称愈肺宁)对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)稳定期患者血清白介素8(IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)和C反应蛋白(CRP)水平的影响. 方法:采用随机双盲安慰剂对
目的:探索肺气虚型慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠模型及其中药干预后的肺组织代谢物特征及可能的疾病标记物. 方法:将56只大鼠随机分为对照组(24只)和模型组(32只).造模成功后,把