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目前,全球化的浪潮正迅猛地席卷整个地球村。当我们把中国现当代文学的研究与教学置于全球化的语境下,用“星球意识”重新观照,会有许多新发现:过去我们由于过分强调世界各国文学对中国现当代文学的影响而忽视了中国现当代文学对世界各国文学的影响;中国 20世纪文学发展流变的轨迹是在现代化与民族化、自律与他律的合力场中进行的;关于重写文学史,在综合中西方文学史写作经验的基础上提出一种“还原历史”的新文学史观。对于现当代文学的教学,应综合中西阐释学的智慧,以中国的评点法为主辅之以西方各种分析方法解读文本;现当代文学教改的最高目标是培养学生创造性解决问题的能力和对文学的人文关怀意识。 At present, the wave of globalization is rapidly sweeping the entire global village. When we put the research and teaching of Chinese modern and contemporary literature in a globalized context and reconsider the “planetary consciousness,” there are many new discoveries: In the past, due to the over-emphasis on the influence of literatures in other countries on Chinese modern and contemporary literature, Ignoring the impact of modern and contemporary Chinese literature on the literature of all countries in the world; the trajectory of the development and change of Chinese literature in the 20th century is in the field of combining forces of modernization with nationalization, self-discipline and other disciplines; on rewriting the history of literature, Based on the experience of writing literary history, this paper proposes a new concept of historical literature of “restoring history”. For the teaching of modern and contemporary literature, we should synthesize the wisdom of Chinese and western hermeneutics, interpret the texts mainly based on the Chinese commentaries method and various analytical methods of the West. The highest goal of the reform in modern and contemporary literature is to cultivate students’ ability to creatively solve problems Literary Humane Care Consciousness.
Grate process is an important step in grate-kiln pellet production.However,as a relatively closed system,the process on grate is inaccessible to direct detectio
为了解部队结核病疫情现状,评价结核病防治措施效果,并为制定军队结核病控制规划提供科学依据,1998年3月~10月对全区部队进行了结核病流行病学抽样调查。方法 按分层、整群、随机抽样方
采用逆转录套式聚合酶链反应法( R T- n P C R) 检测各型肝病患者血清中 H G V R N A。结果80 例各型肝病患者中, H G V R N A 阳性率为1625 % (13/80) ,其中乙型肝炎肝硬变、慢性乙型和慢性丙型肝炎的 H G V R N A
被誉为“天下一绝”的桂林龙脊梯田,开垦于元代,堪称650年时光雕琢出的地球最美弧线。一块块似彩带、山鹰、巨扇、天梯的绚丽水田,随群山蜿蜒起伏,且在一年四季都焕发出不同的神韵,形成了一个张扬着力与美的梯田世界,令国内外游客流连忘返。  时光天梯  像龙脊这样大规模集中的梯田实属罕见。从流水湍急的河谷,到白云缭绕的山巅;从万木葱茏的林边,到石壁陡崖前,凡有泥土的地方,都开辟了梯田。那起伏的、高耸入云的
我们要学造汽车吗?不不不,那可是个庞大复杂的工程。  汽车包括动力装置、底盘、车身、轮胎、电气设备等基本结构。在這期活动里,我们打算用废纸盒做车身,用瓶盖做轮子,用气球做发动机,做一辆超级“节能环保”的车,探索运动中的力学原理。
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袁枚和蒋士铨都是清代中叶的著名诗人,他们的订交既富有传奇色彩,又具有重要的文学史意义。本文对他们的订交始末进行系统的考证,附带纠正有关的某些错误。 Both Yuan Mei and