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在西方语境中,阐释具有多重面孔,有释经学意义上的阐释、语言学意义上的阐释、认识论意义上的阐释、心理学意义上的阐释、本体论意义上的阐释、解构论意义上的阐释、人类学意义上的阐释、文化学意义上的阐释,也应该有跨文化研究意义上的阐释。在中国语境中,阐释学研究经历了西方阐释学研究、中国阐释学研究和跨文化阐释学研究三个阶段。跨文化阐释学是以跨文化阐释现象为研究对象的学问。所谓跨文化阐释,是用一种民族的语言、符号和文化来解说另一种民族的语言、符号和文化。跨文化阐释应该将西方阐释学传统中的时间维度,转化为阐释的空间维度,重新思考全球范围内不同民族、不同文化之间的关系,寻求跨文化理解与对话的可能性和途径。跨文化阐释学虽然是晚近出现的一门学科,但跨文化阐释现象却是自古就有的。跨文化阐释学可以从本体论、发展论、方法论、实践论四个方面来进行研究,这门学问可为中华文化的对外传播提供学术支持。 In the western context, the interpretations have multiple faces, interpretations in the sense of hermeneutics, interpretations in linguistic sense, interpretations in the epistemological sense, interpretations in the psychological sense, ontological meanings and deconstruction Interpretation of anthropological meaning, interpretation of cultural meaning, there should be cross-cultural research in the sense of interpretation. In the Chinese context, the study of hermeneutics has experienced three stages: western hermeneutics, Chinese hermeneutics and cross-cultural hermeneutics. Intercultural hermeneutics is based on the intercultural interpretation of phenomena as the object of study. The so-called cross-cultural interpretation is the use of a national language, symbols and culture to explain the language of another nation, symbols and cultures. Intercultural interpretation should transform the time dimension in the western hermeneutic tradition into the spatial dimension of interpretation, and rethink the possibilities and approaches of intercultural understanding and dialogue through rethinking the relationship among different nationalities and cultures around the world. Although intercultural hermeneutics is a recently emerged subject, the phenomena of intercultural interpretation have existed since ancient times. Cross-cultural hermeneutics can be studied from four aspects: ontology, development theory, methodology and practice theory, which can provide academic support for the spread of Chinese culture.
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