目的控制旅客列车德国小蠊的侵害。方法灭蟑毒饵、杀蟑胶饵、喷射剂相结合。结果 2006年6月前,单使用滞留喷洒方法,灭蟑效果较差,6月份后改为用1%乙酰甲胺磷灭蟑毒饵粉并联合其他药物,2007年-2009年6月侵害率控制在0.4%以下。结论采用毒饵法并联合其他药物处理,同时加强环境治理,能很好的控制旅客列车德国小蠊的侵害。
Purpose To control the invasion of German cockroaches on passenger trains. Methods cockroach bait, kill cockroach gel bait, propellant combination. Results Before June 2006, the single use of detention spraying method was less effective in killing cockroaches. After June, it was replaced with 1% acephate and combined with other drugs. From 2007 to June 2009, the infiltration rate control Below 0.4%. Conclusion The bait method combined with other drug treatment, while strengthening environmental governance, can well control the invasion of German cockroaches passenger trains.