本文以江苏省盐城市为例,通过1990、2000、2010年3期盐城市域遥感影像解译,获取盐城市土地利用变化数据,并采用GIS空间分析技术,评估城市交通干线对城市发展的影响。同时,结合Model Builder建模技术,综合运用缓冲区分析、叠加分析、统计分析等方法进行快速、一站式土地利用变化分析。研究结果表明:(1)以道路沿线5km缓冲区及道路出口10km缓冲区研究范围为最佳;(2)盐城市城市交通干线沿线5km范围内随着相应交通基础设施的建设变化非常剧烈,2000年后,高等级公路、高速公路和铁路改建及新建导致沿线土地利用变化发展迅速,特别是204国道沿线和沈海高速沿线变化最为迅速;(3)盐城市城市交通干线沿线重要交通出口10km范围内的变化也极大,新长铁路盐城站出口周边变化最为迅速。
In this paper, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province as an example, through 1990, 2000, 2010 Yancheng three remote sensing image interpretation, access to Yancheng land-use change data, and the use of GIS spatial analysis technology to assess the impact of urban transport routes on urban development. At the same time, combined with ModelBuilder modeling technology, the comprehensive use of buffer analysis, overlay analysis, statistical analysis and other methods for rapid, one-stop land-use change analysis. The results show that: (1) The study area is the best in the buffer zone of 5km along the road and the 10km exit of the road; (2) The construction of the corresponding traffic infrastructure changes very rapidly within 5km along the urban traffic trunk line of Yancheng City, 2000 Years later, the rapid changes of land use along the highways, highways and railways resulted in rapid changes in land use. In particular, the rapid changes occurred along the National Road 204 and along the Shenyang-Hohai Expressway. (3) Within 10km of the major traffic exits along Yancheng’s urban traffic trunk Within the change is also great, Yanchang Railway Station near Xinchang exports the most rapid changes.