陈子庄(石壶)先生与晏济元(平)先生都是我国当代画坛引为骄傲的艺术家。他们两人诚笃深厚的交谊,互相尊重的品格,现在已被人们作为佳话传诵。他们的艺术、识见、修养和风范,正为越来越多的后生学子所认识和景仰。 陈子庄先生是四川荣昌人,晏济元先生是四川内江人。30年代末期,晏济元从日本学习工程技术后返国,与同乡世交张大千先生在上海、重庆等地联合举办画展,陈子庄观后,对晏济元的工笔重彩作品大为叹服,推崇不已。嗣后,陈子庄托人转请
Mr. Chen Zi Zhuang (Stone Pot) and Mr. Yan Ji Yuan (Mr. Ping) are both contemporary and proud artists in our country. The sincere friendship and mutual respect of both of them have now been widely read by people. Their art, knowledge, cultivation and demeanor are being recognized and admired by more and more future students. Mr. Chen Zizhuang Sichuan Rongchang people, Mr. Yan Jiyuan is a Neijiang in Sichuan. In the late 1930s, Yan Jiyuan returned from his studies in engineering and technology in Japan. After his entourage, Mr. Zhang Daqian held a joint art exhibition in Shanghai and Chongqing, Chen Yanzuan admired Yan Jiyuan’s meticulous work and admired him. Later, Chenzhuang Zhuang transfer please