姚家祥先生在《语文高考复习点睛》(见本刊2002年第3期)“必须坚持直译为主,意译为辅”一段中,强调“字字句句有着落,不可有遗漏”的原则,这自然是不错的。但他所拟的第二道阅读翻译题目的“参考答案”似有一些疏误,现商榷如下。 1.太宗指示(王圭)曰:“庐江不道,贼杀其夫而纳其室。” “参考答案”是这样的:“太宗把美人指给王(王圭)看,并说:‘庐江王不守为王之道,我如同杀贼似的杀了他,并取用了他的妻室。’” 按,上述答案有误,其误有三:(1)“把美人指给王(王圭)看”,现代汉语无“把……人指给……看”的表达方式。应译作:太宗指了指美人对王(王圭)说;(2)姚先生把“贼杀其夫而纳其室”的主语搞错了。其主语不应是“我”(太宗),而应是承上省的主语“庐江王”,下文“暴虐之甚,何有不亡者乎?”都是对庐江王的指斥。(3)把“贼杀其夫”译作“如同杀贼似的杀了他”,大误。古汉语中的“贼”和现代汉语中的“贼”有很大的不同。“贼”有五个义项:①
Mr. Yao Jiaxiang, in the “Language Review of the Chinese College Entrance Exam Review” (see the 3rd issue of 2002), “We must insist on literal translation as the main subject and free translation as the supplement”, emphasizes the principle that “words and sentences have sentences that cannot be missed”. This is natural. It is good. However, the “reference answer” of his second reading translation question seems to have some errors. 1. Taizong instructions (Wang Gui) said: “The Lijiang River does not say that a thief must kill his husband and find his room.” “Reference answer” is this: “Taizong pointed the beauty to Wang (Wang Gui), and said: ’ The king of the Lijiang River was not a king. I killed him like a thief, and took his wife’s room.’’ According to the above answer, there are three mistakes: (1) “Pointing the beauty to the king (Wang Kyu) Looks at it. ”Modern Chinese has no way to say ... to people...“. It should be translated as: Taizong pointed out that the beauty said to the king (Wang Gui); (2) Mr. Yao mistaken the subject of ”the thief killed his husband and got his room“. The subject should not be “I” (Tai Zong), but should be the subject of the Shang Dynasty “Lijiang King”. The following “Ultimately brutal, what does not die?” are the accusations against the King Jiang. (3) Translate ”The thief killed his husband“ as ”killing him like a thief“. The ”thief“ in ancient Chinese is very different from the ”thief“ in modern Chinese. ”The thief" has five meanings: 1