The authors conducted a double-blind crossover study of 21 patients with open-angle glaucoma using 0.125% and 0.25% clonidine hydrochloride (clonidine) eye drops and 2% pilocarpine eye drops to compare the effect of the drug on intraocular pressure and blood pressure effect. The results showed that the above two concentrations of clonidine eye drops can make the intraocular pressure decreased, but the intensity less than pilocarpine, based on clinical observations, 0.4% of the clonidine and 2% of pilocarpine equivalent. Clonidine is superior to pilocarpine as: Intraocular pressure without reducing the pupil. Colaoning eye drops can make patients with systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased statistically, but the decline was not significant. Colaoning eye drops lasting more than 4 hours, and has a good