在中药汤剂调配工作中 ,一些种子 (果实 )类药材需临时捣碎后入药 ,通过捣碎使其坚硬的种皮 (果皮 )破裂 ,种仁酥松 ,以便于在煎煮时有效成份的溶出 ,达到确保疗效的目的。习惯上称之为“临方捣碎”。临方捣碎在中药汤剂调配工作中占有重要位置 ,能否做到“应捣必捣、捣之有法
In the preparation of Chinese herbal decoction, some seeds (fruits) need to be temporarily mashed and used as medicine. The hard seed coat (peels) are broken by mashing and the seeds are crisped so that the active ingredients can be dissolved during boiling. To achieve the purpose of ensuring efficacy. It is customary to call it “prosperous smashing.” The smashing in the Pro party plays an important role in the deployment of traditional Chinese medicine decoction. Can it be done?