
来源 :中国海上油气 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MRMAMING
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《中国海上油气》是反映我国海洋石油勘探开发科学技术的综合性期刊。由中国海洋石油总公司委托海洋石油勘探开发研究中心负责编辑出版。本刊热忱欢迎关心海洋石油勘探开发的广大科技工作者,为本刊投稿。为保证质量,对稿件要求如下:一、稿件内容:海洋石油地质、物探、测井、测试、油藏工程和计算机应用等学科有关理论、技术和方法的文章。文章要论点明确,论据充分,文、图、表内容一致,稿件字数(包括图表)一般不超过八千字。二、文章的命题、署名和摘要:文章题目与内容要贴切、鲜明简短。来稿请署真实姓名,作者如为多位,标题下仅列五位,其余列于脚注。摘要限在200字以内,并附文章题目、摘要及作者姓名的英译稿(打印的)。三、来稿请用16开方格稿纸、钢笔书写,每格一字(标点符号也占一格)。字迹要清晰、恭正。简化字采用1986年10月10日国家语言文字工作委员会重新发表的《简化字总 “China Offshore Oil and Gas” is a comprehensive journal reflecting the science and technology of offshore oil exploration and development in China. Commissioned by CNOOC Offshore Oil Exploration and Development Research Center is responsible for editing and publishing. We warmly welcome the majority of offshore oil exploration and development of science and technology workers, contributed articles. In order to ensure the quality, the manuscript requirements are as follows: I. Manuscript contents: Articles on theories, techniques and methods of offshore petroleum geology, geophysical exploration, logging, testing, reservoir engineering and computer application. Articles to clear arguments, sufficient arguments, text, map, the contents of the table, the number of manuscripts (including charts) generally no more than eight thousand words. Second, the article’s proposition, signature and summary: Article title and content should be appropriate, clear and concise. Please submit the true name of the manuscript, such as a number of authors, only five under the title, the rest included in the footnotes. The abstract is limited to 200 words, accompanied by the title, abstract and the English translation of the author’s name (printed). Third, the manuscript please use 16 square grungy manuscript, pen writing, each word (punctuation also occupy a grid). Written to be clear, Christine. Simplify the use of words October 10, 1986 national language work Committee re-published "Simplified Chinese total
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