银杏(Ginkgo Biloba Linn)属裸子植物银杏科,其叶和果具有重要的生理作用和药用价值。银杏叶提取物(EGB)是一种药理作用广泛、不良反应少的天然药物,其在心脑血管、外周血液循环障碍性等疾病方面的疗效已得到了充分的肯定。近年来,眼底视网膜疾病的患病率在我国呈快速上升发展趋势,银杏叶提取物在眼科中的应用也取得了很大的进展。现在就银杏叶提取物的药理作用及其在视网膜疾病中的应用做一综述。
Ginkgo Biloba Linn is a gymnosperm ginkgo family, its leaves and fruits have an important physiological role and medicinal value. Ginkgo biloba extract (EGB) is a natural medicine with a wide range of pharmacological actions and few adverse reactions. Its efficacy in cardiovascular, peripheral blood circulation disorders and other diseases has been fully affirmed. In recent years, the prevalence of retinal retinal diseases in China showed a rapid upward trend, the application of Ginkgo biloba extract in ophthalmology has made great progress. Now on the pharmacological effects of Ginkgo biloba extract and its application in retinal diseases are reviewed.