在国际学术界,阿莱克斯·汤普森(Alex Thomson)撰写的《非洲政治导论》(An Introduction to African Politics,Third Edition,London:Routledge,2010)被公认为是一部关于非洲政治的经典教科书。较之引用率较高的其他同主题作品而言~①,《非洲政治导论》一书更侧重描述性与案例分析,而较少涉及理论总结与阐释。这尤其体现在汤普森并不试图构建一个系统性的非洲政治分析框架上;相反,作者的目标更为有限,仅仅通过围绕“国家”、“公民
In international academia, An Introduction to African Politics (Third Edition, London: Routledge, 2010) by Arthur Thomson is widely recognized as a classic textbook on African politics. Compared with other thematic works with higher citation rates, 1 the book ”Introduction to African Politics“ focuses more on descriptive and case studies and less on theoretical summaries and explanations. This is particularly evident in the fact that Thompson did not attempt to construct a systematic framework for political analysis in Africa; rather, the author’s goal was more limited, only through ”national“, ”citizenship