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1905年至1945年,日本在殖民统治旅顺大连的过程中频繁进行新闻立法,其中以《关东州及南满附属地地出版物令》的制定与讨论最具代表性。由于当时日本新闻立法的环境及该法案与日本对满政策不符的关系,它最终被日本政府撤回而未得以颁布,致使目前中日学界根本无人提及。笔者通过对原始档案的梳理与解读,一方面,指出它是日本中央政府首次为殖民地量身打造新闻法,足以代表日本殖民地最高的新闻立法水平。虽然此次立法未能完成,但是直接影响到后来“满洲国”新闻立法。另一方面,笔者认为它是内地延长主义与在地化的杂糅,综合了当时日本国内《出版法》与《新闻纸法》的核心内容,是日本内地延长主义的直接体现,同时在延长的过程中对日本法律进行有意识的删改,使之服务于在地殖民统治的需要。它对于新闻与出版而言限制充分而保护缺失,本质上仍然是一部出版物管理法,可谓是一部钳制新闻与出版自由的恶法。 From 1905 to 1945, Japan made frequent press legislation during the colonial rule of Lushun in Dalian, most notably in the formulation and discussion of the “Publication Order Affiliated to Kanto and Southern Manchuria.” Due to the circumstances surrounding the Japanese press legislation at that time and its incompatibility with Japan’s policy toward fullness, it was eventually withdrawn by the Japanese government and was not promulgated, rendering the current Chinese and Japanese academic circles virtually unmanifested. On the one hand, the author points out that it is the first time for the Central Government of Japan to tailor the press law to the colonies to adequately represent the highest news legislation in the Japanese colonies. Although this legislation was not completed, it directly affected later “Manchukuo” news legislation. On the other hand, the author believes that it is the blending of extensionism and geography in the Mainland. It integrates the core contents of Japan’s “Press Law” and “Newsprint Law” at that time and is the direct manifestation of extensionism in Japan’s interior. At the same time, In the conscious deletion of Japanese law, to serve the needs of colonial rule on the ground. Its limited reporting and publishing limitations and lack of protection are essentially still a matter-of-fact management of publications, a poignant law that clamps down on freedom of the press and the press.
以林木遗传变异、生境地域分异和引种栽培生态经济等理论为指导 ,根据地域分异、生态因素为主、综合分析、整体协调和简单易行的原则 ,依据原产地现实气候生态位宽度与引种地
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目的 探讨老年重症监护室糖尿病患者的血糖不受控原因,总结归纳临床护理方式,为临床护理提供依据。方法 2016年1月—2017年10月该院对164例老年糖尿病患者开展分析研究,将患
【正】 五十年代初,文学艺术界响起了《电影的锣鼓》,围绕票房价值问题,展开了学术争鸣。时隔不久,学术问题变成了政治问题,开场锣鼓变成了终场锣鼓。由于“左”的干扰,票房