
来源 :再生资源与循环经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laohuob
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2014年是我国再生资源行业有史以来最为困难的一年。全球经济增速放缓,中国经济进入调结构、压产能新常态,制造业、房地产疲软不振,资源总需求下降,大宗原材料价格持续走低。这些不利因素叠加,致使国内再生资源市场持续低迷,价格全面下行,企业经营困难,再生资源行业进入转型升级的瓶颈期。面对新常态,研究新常态,适应新常态,加快结构调整,促进科技创新,优化产业升级,提高综合效益,打造企业核心竞争力,才是再生资源行业的主攻方向,也是行业转型升级的关键。 2014 is the most difficult year for China’s renewable resource industry ever. The global economic slowdown slowed down. China’s economy entered a new structure with a new normal in capacity-building. Manufacturing and real estate went sluggish. Total aggregate demand dropped while bulk raw material prices continued to drop. These adverse factors superimposed, resulting in the domestic market downturn in renewable resources, the price down all-round, business difficulties, renewable resources industry into the bottleneck of the transformation and upgrading. Faced with the new normal, studying the new normal, adapting to the new normal, accelerating structural adjustment, promoting scientific and technological innovation, optimizing industrial upgrading, enhancing comprehensive benefits and building up the core competitiveness of enterprises are the main directions of the renewable resource industry and the key to the industry’s transformation and upgrading .
一、我国企业年金概述及其运营模式   企业年金是在国家政策指导下,由企业及其职工依据经济状况自主建立的一项养老保险制度,是多层次养老保险体系的一个重要组成部分,我国过去称之为企业补充养老保险,2000年,我国在《关于完善城镇社会保障体系的试点方案》中将企业补充养老保险规范为企业年金。由于是对政府的基本养老金计划的一种补充,故被称为企业补充养老金计划。鉴于这种养老金计划也需要企业雇主或职工缴纳一定