1例出生2小时男婴接种卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、乙肝丙种球蛋白后突发死亡。新生儿父母体健,家族均无遗传病、精神病、癫痫及过敏史。产前彩超检查胎儿发育正常。产后新生儿外观健康,Apgar评分10分。因产前新生儿母亲检查HBs Ag(+),HBc Ab(+)。新生儿出生后100分钟分别乙肝疫苗10微克肌注,乙肝免疫球蛋白100IU肌注,卡介苗0.1ml皮内注射,接种全过程按照程序进行,操作规范。接种护士均具有相关资质。接种20分钟后新生儿哭声异常,经胸外按压、人工呼吸等救治,抢救无效死亡。事后为明确死因,医患双方提出申请,经医学会及公安局法医进行尸体解剖,病理学检查,死因为过敏性休克死亡。后经预防接种异常反应调查诊断专家组会诊,确诊为预防接种异常反应引起的死亡病例。
One case was born 2 hours after the baby was vaccinated with BCG vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B gamma globulin. Neonatal parents healthy, family no genetic disease, mental illness, epilepsy and allergy history. Prenatal color Doppler ultrasound examination of normal fetal development. Postpartum newborn appearance and health, Apgar score of 10 points. HBs Ag (+) and HBc Ab (+) were examined for prenatal newborn mothers. 100 minutes after birth, hepatitis B vaccine were intramuscular injection of 10 micrograms, hepatitis B immunoglobulin 100IU intramuscular injection of BCG 0.1ml intradermal injection, the whole process of vaccination in accordance with procedures, practices. Nurses are vaccinated with relevant qualifications. Infants crying abnormalities after 20 minutes of inoculation, the thoracic pressure, artificial respiration and other treatment, rescue invalid death. After a clear cause of death, both doctors and patients to apply, the medical association and the Public Security Bureau forensic autopsy, pathological examination, died of anaphylactic shock death. After vaccination vaccination abnormalities survey diagnosis expert group consultation, diagnosed as vaccination caused by abnormal reaction deaths.