去年十二月十日,《辽宁日报》发表了一篇题为《木器五厂得救了!》的通讯。读完此文,我不禁为作者不回避尖锐矛盾,敢于提出和回答现实生活中的问题的勇气和远见,以及别具匠心的表现手法击节叫好! 《木器五厂得救了!》是一篇“问题通讯”,它触及了干部制度改革中的一个敏感的问题——对一些“精神不振,得过且过”的“混日子”干部该怎么办?这个问题的提出,本身就表明记者敢于在事物发展中抓最“棘手”的问题。一个企业为什么老是上不去,干部负有重要的责任。现在只当“和尚”不“撞钟”的
Last December 10 last year, “Liaoning Daily” published an article entitled “Five Wood Factory Saved!” After reading this article, I can not help but applaud the author for not shunning sharp contradictions, courage and foresight to make and answer questions in real life, as well as the distinctive performance techniques. It touches upon a sensitive issue in the reform of the system of cadres. What to do with some “mixed-race” cadres who are “sluggish and overconsidered”? The formulation of this question itself shows that journalists dare to grasp the most in the development of things “Thorny” issue. Why an enterprise always goes up, cadres have an important responsibility. Now only when “the monk” does not “hit the bell”