上海市夏阳强制隔离戒毒所 构建新的组织机构体系 推动现代警务机制建设

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为顺应司法行政体制改革的要求,推动戒毒工作科学发展,打造上海特色戒毒模式,按照上海市戒毒管理局党委关于推进体制机制改革和现代警务机制建设的决策部署,上海市夏阳强制隔离戒毒所(以下简称上海市夏阳戒毒所)作为市司法行政戒毒系统基层戒毒所“三定”(定职能、定机构、定编制)工作试点单位,承担了先行先试,为改革提供可操作、可复制、可推广经验的重要任务。劳教制度被依法废止后,上海市司法局党委根据市委政法委的意见,明确提出了“一个转变,两个延伸,调整布局,夯实基础”的改革思路。上海市夏阳戒毒所不断强化工作的前瞻性、主动性,加强运用系统思维、战略思维、辩证思维, In order to comply with the requirements of the reform of the judicial administrative system, to promote the scientific development of drug detoxification and to build a drug treatment model with Shanghai characteristics, according to the decision-making and deployment of the party committees of Shanghai Municipal Drug Abstraction Agency on promoting the reform of the institutional mechanisms and the construction of a modern policing mechanism, Shanghai Xiayang Compulsory Detachment (Hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Xiayang Drug Addiction Treatment Center) served as a pilot unit for the work of drug rehabilitation and treatment of drug abuse at the grassroots level of the drug administration for the administration of justice in the city of “Sanding” (fixed functions, fixed institutions and fixed establishment) Can copy, can promote the important task of experience. After the system of labor camps was abolished according to law, the party committee of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice clearly put forward the reform mentality of “one transformation, two extensions, adjustment of layout and solid foundation” based on the opinions of the CPC Committee on Politics and Law. Shanghai Xiayang Drug Addiction Treatment Center continuously intensified its forward-looking and proactive work and strengthened the use of systematic thinking, strategic thinking, dialectical thinking,