文艺复兴发源地蕴藏的厚重、自然与阳光交融的简朴,只此—处。而在此处,可以找一个藏身之所感受时光永驻。当你坐在酒店露台眺望橄榄林和那片山坡,望无际,但是优雅得一塌糊涂。在举世闻名的艺术之都如何选择短暂时光的收藏所呢?不如在一片油画般庄重,乡村般静谧的自然美景中品咂源自12世纪的贵族光阴。喝一杯酒,畅谈,冥想,坐拥一个看得见真正的托斯卡纳的房间。当你抵达佛罗伦萨机场,驶往罗马方向的A1高速公路,在Firenze Certosa出口出来,选择4号锡耶纳
The birthplace of the Renaissance thick, natural and sunny blend of simplicity, only this place. And here, you can find a hiding place to feel the time forever. When you sit on the hotel terrace overlooking olive groves and the hillside, endless, but elegant mess. In the world-renowned capital of art how to choose a short time of the collection? As a solemn painting, rural tranquil natural beauty products from the 12th century nobility time. Have a drink, talk, meditate and sit in a room where you can see real Tuscany. When you arrive at Florence Airport, take the A1 motorway towards Rome, exit at Firenze Certosa and choose Siena number 4