湖南省双牌水库大坝坝基是利用预应力锚固来加强坝基岩层的抗滑稳定。该坝1958年建成蓄水,运行正常。1971年通过竖井勘探和孔内摄影查明,坝基下有5层破碎夹层,其摩擦系数低于原设计采用值0.5,影响大坝安全,决定采用预锚作为大坝加固补强的主要措施。 双牌大坝坝基预锚,设计274个预锚孔,共施加预应力89050吨(单孔安装吨位325吨)。预锚孔在平面上趋于均匀梅花式,纵横间距3米,
Shuangpai reservoir dam foundation in Hunan Province is the use of prestressed anchorage to strengthen the stability of the foundation rock stratum. The dam built in 1958, water is operating normally. In 1971 through the shaft exploration and hole photography to identify, there are five sub-base crushed sand dam, the friction coefficient lower than the original design value of 0.5, affecting the dam safety, the decision to use the pre-anchor as the main reinforcement measures to strengthen the dam. The pre-anchored dam foundation of the Shuangpai Dam is designed with 274 pre-anchor holes and prestressed to a total of 89,050 tons (325 tons for single-hole installation). Pre-anchor holes tend to be uniform in the plane plum-style, vertical and horizontal spacing of 3 meters,