农历猴年尚未谢幕,乙酉年的生肖鸡已拍打着翅膀飞到各地的大街小巷,唱起了主角,与鸡有关的饰品正在热卖中。鸡年商品主要以各种布绒玩具、陶瓷制品为主。由于商家为传统“生肖鸡”注入各种时尚元素,使其深得年轻人“欢心”, 在许多店铺,“布绒鸡”、“陶瓷鸡”等占据了店中的醒目位置, 吸引着人们的眼球。而闪闪发光的“金鸡”、流光溢彩的“翡翠鸡”、“水晶鸡”也不甘示弱,纷纷“昂首阔步”地向人们走来。
Chinese Lunar Year of the Monkey has not yet been apologized, Bian Year of the Zodiac chicken has fluttered its wings flew all over the streets, singing the protagonist, and chicken-related accessories are hot. Year of the chicken mainly in a variety of cloth velvet toys, mainly ceramic products. As merchants inject a variety of fashion elements into the traditional “Lunar New Year chicken” to win young people’s favor, in many shops, “burlap chicken” and “ceramic chicken” occupy prominent positions in the store and attract people Eyeballs. The sparkling “Golden Rooster”, Ambilight “Jade Chicken”, “Crystal Chicken” is outdone, have “swagger” to come to people.