兰博基尼汽车有限公司携Huracán Performante及Aventador S在上海国际车展上演亚洲首秀。兰博基尼Huracán后驱版和Huracán后驱敞篷版两款车型也一同盛大亮相。作为兰博基尼卓越的创新成果之一,Huracán Performante在德国纽博格林北环赛道以6分52.01秒的成绩刷新了量产车圈速纪录,并诠释了终极赛道表现与非凡公路动态驾驶体验的完美融合。一同亮相本届上海车展的还包括兰博基尼Huracán后
Lamborghini Automotive Co., Ltd. to bring Huracán Performante and Aventador S at the Shanghai International Auto Show staged the first show in Asia. Lamborghini Huracán rear drive version and Huracán rear drive convertible two models also grand debut. As one of Lamborghini’s outstanding innovations, Huracán Performante updated the production lap record in 6:52.01 seconds at the Nurburgring in Nurburgring, Germany, and interpreted the ultimate circuit performance and extraordinary road dynamic driving experience Perfect blend. Unveiled at this Shanghai Auto Show also includes Lamborghini Huracán after