当2003年度“环球小姐”的帷幕在巴拿马城落下的时候,整个多米尼加共和国旋即变成了欢乐的海洋。来自多米尼加共和国的18岁学生 Amelia Vega(阿梅莉亚·维加)力挫群芳,摘走桂冠,并获最佳民族服装奖。在总统 Hipolito Mejia 的带领下,多米尼加人驾车游行,挥舞着国旗与海报,在街头庆祝这场伟大的胜利。对于上个月刚刚因为银行丑闻而导致国家超过20亿美元损失的多米尼加来说,这场胜利是整个国家低迷情绪的最好疗伤药,有着很强的激励和宽慰的作用。
When the curtain of “Miss Universe” fell in 2003 in Panama City, the entire Dominican Republic turned into a sea of joy. Amelia Vega, an 18-year-old student from the Dominican Republic, was thrown into the limelight and won the Best National Costume Award. Led by President Hipolito Mejia, Dominicans marched in parades, waving flags and posters, celebrating the great victory on the streets. For the Dominican Republic, which lost more than two billion U.S. dollars of state debts last month just because of the bank scandal, this victory is the best remedy for the nation’s downturn and has a strong stimulus and comfort.