酒馆邂逅、林中小屋的六日相处、美国各大校园的巡回演讲,以及次年布拉格发生的一系列重大历史事件,是《致杜卞卡》系列书信集的背景由来。垂暮之年的作家邂逅青春貌美的异性知己,是文学作品和文学史上屡见不鲜的桥段。然而捷克作家博胡米尔·赫拉巴尔(Bohumil Hrabal,1914—1997)的天才之处,在于使用他绝无仅有、“不着边际”的感知与述说形式,清晰刻画出强烈宿命感笼罩
The encounter between the pubs, the six-day co-existence of the lodge in the forest, the roving lectures at the major American campuses, and a series of major historical events in Prague the following year are the source of the series of epistles to Du Pianca. The writer of the twilight years encounters the young and beautiful heterosexual friend and is a common bridge in literary works and literary history. However, the genius of the Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal (1914-1997) lies in the fact that he uses his unique perception and description style to clearly depict a strong sense of destiny