在夏玉米生产中,追施速效氮肥是增产的重要手段。然而,目前生产上夏玉米追氮肥的方式繁多,为寻求最佳方式我们于1988—1989年对我省夏玉米主要几种追施氮肥方式的增产效果进行了比较试验研究。研究采用田间小区随机排列和15N 微区示踪的方法,经过田间小区的实产测定、统计分析和15N质谱分析,两年试验结果都表明以先施3/10种肥、播后40天施6/10追肥、抽雄期补施1/10穗肥和播后35天集中一次施追肥效果较好,其它方式施肥
In the summer corn production, topdressing effective nitrogen fertilizer is an important means to increase production. However, at present, there are many ways to produce nitrogenous fertilizer on summer maize. In order to find the best way, we conducted a comparative experimental study on the effects of top-dressing nitrogenous fertilizer on summer maize from 1988 to 1989. The method of random arrangement and 15N microdrop tracing in field plots was adopted in this study. After field test, statistical analysis and 15N mass spectrometry analysis, the results of two years showed that with 3/10 kinds of fertilizers and 40 days after sowing 6/10 top dressing, tasseling supplementation 1/10 spike fertilizer and 35 days after sowing concentrate once applied topdressing is better, other ways to fertilize