A Comparative Study of the Application of Electronic Data Interchange and Internet Technology to Bu

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maradonaargentina
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This study investigates the role of information technology in business process reengineering (BPR) implementation. To increase the prospects of successful BPR implementation, the role of information technology in BPR should be thoroughly investigated to find the logical relationships between information technology and BPR. This study used a survey methodology to gather information from 72 BPR programs. The results show that different information technologies, such as those examined in this study, electronic data interchange (EDI) and Internet, provide different capabilities and can be useful in different ways and for different purposes. Lack of attention to these relationships may be due to the unacceptable high implemen-tation failure rate in the previous BPR efforts. This study investigates the role of information technology in business process reengineering (BPR) implementation. To increase the prospects of successful BPR implementation, the role of information technology in BPR should be thoroughly investigated to find the logical relationships between information technology and BPR. This study used a survey methodology to gather information from 72 BPR programs. The results show that different information technologies, such as those examined in this study, electronic data interchange (EDI) and Internet, provide different capabilities and can be useful in different ways and for different Lack of attention to these relationships may be due to the unacceptable high implemen-tation failure rate in the previous BPR efforts.
所有生命都会慢慢变老,除了彼得·潘,他已经103岁,但依然没有长大,而且也不愿长大。他住在一个神奇的岛上,如果想去那儿,请记住路线:“右手第二条路,然后一直向前,直到天亮。”  主角身份证  名字:彼得·潘  外形特征:会飞的小男孩,长一口珍珠般的乳牙,穿一身用树叶和树浆做的衣服。  个性写真:不愿长大也永远不会长大,天真活泼、嫉恶如仇、勇敢而富有牺牲精神。  故事梗概  因为害怕长大,出生的第一
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直线问题看似简单,却也讲究技巧,“死做”事倍功半,“巧做”则事半功倍. The straight line problem seems simple, but also pay attention to skills, “do ” do more w
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