
来源 :江西社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_mi
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产业链是否稳定,直接影响到相关产业的生产效率。而产业链中附加价值所呈现的“两端高、中间低”的特征,常常会带来产业链内部利益分配机制的变化,进而影响到产业链的稳定性,导致产业链出现波动或中断。基于共生理论的可选择并联耦合模式,可以通过增加模块内企业单元数目、不断深化产业分工和信息交互共享平台的信息共享,有效解决产业链中企业链条之间以及企业之间的利益分配关系,实现产业链的内部和谐,提高产业链的运行效率,从而确保产业链系统的稳定性和有效性。 The stability of the industrial chain, a direct impact on the production efficiency of related industries. However, the added value of the industrial chain is characterized by “high in both ends, low in the middle ”, which often leads to changes in the internal profit distribution mechanism in the industrial chain, thereby affecting the stability of the industrial chain and causing fluctuations in the industrial chain or Interrupted. Based on the symbiotic theory of alternative parallel coupling mode, the number of business units in the module can be increased to deepen the information sharing of the industrial division of labor and information exchange and sharing platform, and the effective solution to the distribution of interests among the enterprise chains and between enterprises in the industrial chain. To achieve the internal harmony of the industrial chain and improve the operational efficiency of the industrial chain, so as to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the industrial chain system.
本文介绍棱子芹属民间药用植物的种类、分布及化学成分.本属在我国有 32 种,2 变种,资源丰富,但目前知之甚少,是一类有开发前景的天然药源.
目的探讨在糖尿病治疗中胰岛素泵强化治疗及护理干预的效果。方法选取我院接诊的126例糖尿病患者,为其提供胰岛素泵强化与护理干预,观察餐后2 h血糖、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白