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在我国哲学界对价值范畴的研究中,大部分论者都是从主体与客体的关系中论述价值的,我们认为,对哲学的价值范畴研究,应从人类生存发展角度进行.只有如此,才能解决主客体关系模式的缺憾.一 哲学的研究对象是人与世界及其总体关系,在人与世界的总体关系中,除了研究世界是什么和怎么样以外,最重要的也是最根本的是世界对人有什么意义?人应该怎样正确处理自身生存发展与世界的关系?人应该怎样正确处理自身生存发展与世界的关系,这是实践与认识的问题.而世界对人有什么意义即对人类生存发展有什么用,这是价值问题.实践与认识同价值的关系问题,实际上就是人类生活中的手段与目的的关系.如果只讲手段,不讲目的,人们生活也就失去意义;反之,若只讲目的,不讲手段,目的最终也不会实现.要实现人类生存发展的目的,必须通过实践和认识这种手段,但实践和认识不是唯一的手段,因为要实现人类的生存和发展还需要进行其他各种活动.所以,从人类生存发展角度规定价值及其本质,更符合哲学的方式. In the study of the philosophical circles of value category in China, most of them discuss the value from the relationship between the subject and the object. In our opinion, the study of the philosophical category of value should be conducted from the angle of human existence and development. Only in this way can we solve the problem The relationship between the subject and the object of the shortcomings of a philosophy of the object of study is the relationship between man and the world and its overall relationship between man and the world, in addition to research the world is what and how, the most important and most fundamental is the world What is the significance of human beings? How should people properly handle the relationship between their own survival and development and the world? How to correctly handle the relationship between their own survival and development and the world? This is a question of practice and understanding. What does the world mean to mankind? What is the use of development? This is the question of value. The question of the relationship between practice and understanding and value is actually the relationship between the means and ends in human life. If people only talk about means and do not speak for others, their lives will lose their meaning. On the contrary, If we only talk about the purpose and do not talk about the means, the ultimate goal will not come true.To achieve the purpose of human existence and development, we must practice and understand such means, but Practice and understanding are not the only means, because to realize the survival and development of mankind still needs to carry out other activities, therefore, it is more philosophical to stipulate the value and its essence from the angle of human existence and development.
例1有大、小两个正方形,大正方形的一个顶点和小正方形的中心重合.转动大正方形,重叠部分的形状会不断变化.问在转动过程中,重叠部分的面积会变化吗? Example 1 has two squ
那年,我当初一的班主任。一天,我感冒了,吃药,打针。可就在这自顾不暇的时候,接到了一个小报告:晚自习,女同学王某捣乱,搅得一团糟。 That year, I was the head teacher. O
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