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尽管服务型领导对下属服务绩效的正向影响已得到证实,但中介机制和边界条件仍不明朗。基于社会学习理论,研究者引入下属顾客导向和领导认同作为中介和调节变量,旨在考察二者关系的作用机理。以192名银行员工为研究对象,结果发现:服务型领导对下属服务绩效有正向影响,下属顾客导向在二者关系中有部分中介作用;下属对领导的认同在服务型领导与顾客导向之间有调节作用,对领导认同度高的下属来说,服务型领导对其顾客导向的正向影响较强,且通过顾客导向对其服务绩效的间接影响也较强。 Although the positive impact of service leadership on the performance of subordinate services has been confirmed, the mechanisms and boundary conditions remain unclear. Based on the theory of social learning, the researcher introduces subordinate customer orientation and leadership identity as intermediaries and regulatory variables, aiming to examine the mechanism of the relationship between the two. Taking 192 bank employees as the research object, the results show that service-oriented leadership has a positive impact on the performance of subordinate service, and subordinate customer-oriented has some intermediary role in the relationship between the two; subordinate recognition of leadership is based on service-oriented leadership and customer orientation For the subordinate with high recognition of leadership, the service-oriented leadership has a strong positive influence on the customer orientation and the indirect influence on the service performance through customer orientation is also strong.
目前,网络应用已渗透到社会生活的各个领域,深刻地影响整个社会,也包括我们的军队,其影响在广度上和深度上都将超过以往的任何一次技术革命。网络化的生存环境对我们原有的生存方式进行重新定向的同时,也赋予个人的道德行为、思维方式和伦理精神全新的内涵。于是,一种崭新的社会生活形式——“网络社会”生活正在向我们走来。那么,“网络社会”究竟为道德带来了哪些社会问题和伦理问题,产生了哪些影响呢?    “网络社会